Services we offer
Health Care Services
The Optimal Pledge below says it all about how we conduct ourselves and our services. Over the last 14 years, we have virtually attained world-class proficiency and effectiveness in the provision of hospital services. The hospital board and management has continued to invest heavily in the hospital infrastructure, electricity, water, general and electronic security systems, information technology and training , electronic payment systems including on-line internet based systems.
In the last 2 years, the hospital has enjoyed continuous and stable electric power from its generators and inverter systems and uninterrupted potable water supply from its borehole with full water treatment facility.
With these facilities and services we have become the hospital of first choice in Mainland Lagos to discerning patients.



Child Care & Immunization Services

General Outpatient/Accident & Emergency Services

Health Screening Programme

Your personal abortion experience is unique.

Obstetrics & Gynaecology

Ultrasound scan services